Form-to-PDF with Signature
When browsing Internet we often see different forms with a checkbox at the end.
There we are asked to click on the checkbox to confirm that we agree to a policy or read a disclaimer.
Or maybe the owner just wants to give special importance or prominence to some information.
It is much better to ask for a visitor's signature rather than to click on a checkbox.
It inspires accountability and it looks quite cool on the website!
Below in a green box is an example of our web form with a Signature Pad. Visitors with touchscreen devices such as smartphones and tablets can sign the form/policy/terms with a stylus or a finger. Others can use a mouse.
Visitor signs and clicks the Submit button. The form is then automatically converted to a PDF file with Signature - see it in the blue box below.
The use of Form-to-PDF with Signature can be quite broad. Let's look at some examples:
- A Sign up form that can be then sent to the client as PDF with client's signature.
- As a confirmation that user agrees to Terms and Conditions.
- After a Disclaimer to make sure user understands your statement that denies something, especially responsibility.
- When customer's signature is required whether it be for sales, bookings, legal* or other important documents.
- When a business schedules specific time to meet a client, especially if a "no show" or "late" fees are in effect.
- When you need to save time - ask to sign a form/document on a website and you will get it in seconds.
- Can be used by most businesses - Lenders, Brokers, Law Firms, Retail & Wholesale Buyers, Dealerships, Service Centers, Home Businesses and Large Corporations.
Use your imagination, tell us your story of how you use Form-to-PDF with Signature. We might just publish your story here with a link to your website.
Form-to-PDF with Signature example:
This is an example how a form with Signature Pad could look like on your website.
![Web Form with Signature](/articles/images/form-with-signature.png)
This is the PDF file that you receive when the form is submitted.
The title, font size and columns width in the PDF can be adjusted.
![Automatically generated PDF file](/articles/images/pdf-result.png)
Note: Form-to-PDF can be activated on any Pro form with or without Signature Pad.
When used separately, Form-to-PDF sends you all submitted info formatted into a PDF file.
Signature Pad sends you an image of the signature.